This is an invite-only event.

Father & Son Retreat

A weekend at Camp where we focus on Fathers and their Sons, carving out time for intentional activities together, good food, and worshipping the Lord alongside one another.

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Dads, you were hand selected by God to instill in your young man a sense of security, hope, and confidence that comes from experiencing the love of his heavenly Father through you. Enjoy a weekend focused on encouraging your son and strengthening your relationship!

The fun starts Friday night with dinner, games, and an opening ceremony at the Silver Creek Ranch before bed. Breakfast on Sunday will conclude the weekend. In between you’ll get to choose from an array of activities to participate in together that are extra but not mandatory.  We’ll start Saturday with a breakfast, devotional time, camp activities, and end the day with Tribal Games. Sunday will wrap up with breakfast and a closing challenge. Join us for this unforgettable weekend with your son!


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September 26, 2025
Retreat Speaker
Camp Carl
8054 Calvin Road, Ravenna OH 44266

Why Camp Carl?

Camp Carl is fully committed to partnering with families in the nurturing, development, and guidance of children and adolescents. We believe this week – and every week – matters in the life of a child. So we plan to make this a time they’ll never forget!

This is achieved through our positive, energetic emphasis on a personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus, and the understanding that everyone is created in the image of God.